Module: Use of unused space

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Data preservation or data storage is one of the main problems of modern society. in the present time data storage is even more important and more expensive than gold and the like. because almost everything done by modern society is connected with software. the modern world even now no longer uses paper and files that take up more space in the office. the modern world even now no longer uses paper and files that take up more space in the office. there were no meetings filled with troublesome papers.

A bright representative of the era when information storage became one of the key industries is the block-start-up Module , which offers the use of memory of various devices, as a springboard for placing all information and even performing the operations of individual services.

That means we have vast storage resources on the planet that are being wasted. MODULE is the platform that intends to use these storage resources.

The idea of ​​a chain of new

Module is a block system that uses custom devices as a platform for placement. MODULE employs a new transaction approval algorithm. It is a new technology platform that enables everyone to participate in mining, even from a mobile device. In addition to building DApps, users will also have the ability to issue new currencies on the platform. That is, this is the new stage of the decentralized repository. Earlier, the participants in the chain, who owned large processor capacities, in fact, consolidated power on the block, now, it is completely in the hands of the community and computer code. 

We focused on mobile devices as a way to solve problems such as the power consumption concerns caused by cryptocurrencies and their centralization. Each of you can be connected to the Module if you have devices with unused memory. For example, your mobile phone probably has a couple of extra gigabytes that you do not use - the industry of flash drives has solved the problem of memory deficiency for a long time. The Module project announces the future of mining with such energy-efficient and easy to use devices such as smartphones and tablets.

In Module, the program part of the block is stored on the platform, while all other processes occur outside of it. Thus, no unauthorized penetration is possible, because the data is fragmented, and encryption will never allow them to be collected together. Decryption is possible only when viewing the full picture.

The popularity of hasrisen cryptocurrencies is still very small and limited due to its efficiency. Modern technology and blocking are very closely connected. Modern technology and blocking have become real explosions today, if you don't want to accept and stick to the principles of the past that's where you start to fall behind.

The MODULE developers have devised a new algorithm. The team is developing a system under which compensation is determined based on three elements of storage: space-timetransaction. In our future, not only people living in developed countries will have the opportunity to participate in mining. We hope to have many people holding smartphones in underdeveloped countries acting as miners and receiving rewards. not all decentralized solutions are as good as their creators say about them. 

Of course, what has been created by developers today deserves respect: thousands of applications around the world are already working on the block, and some are very stable. However, this does not mean that this technology needs immediate development, because it is still being pursued by problems that were predictable from the very beginning:
  • Increase in the price for use. Despite the fact that decentralized technologies are positioned as an alternative to expensive transaction systems and cloud storage, they are still not widely used, because of their price. After all, using such computing power is not a cheap pleasure.
  • Power consumption. Supporting the blocker are engaged in miners - they are constantly solving cryptographic problems, selecting the right amount. But it's not the same as solving several tasks on your laptop: it's a total calculation process that constantly draws resources. By the way, the problem here arises not only from the point of view of price in money terms, but also about the harm to the environment.
  • Speed ​​of work. This is the real Achilles' heel of blockade technology. At the dawn of the development of the transaction, the truth was quick. But today, looking at the load, almost all the blockhouses generate slowly, creating large queues and risks for those who use it.

The module benefits 

Module platform allows users to mine and rent unused GB even from small portable devices, which means that any mobile phone owner will be able to participate in the Module business and earn. The module provides comprehensive benefits, and touches every aspect of the problem that occurs in this period.

The positive aspects of the distributed registry are so good that its users do not get tired of hoping for the introduction of technology that will solve all of the problems. 

panji manusia millenium
ETH : 0xb164bEf3d78348a323E45db8d06C23F883742080


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